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Domestic violence
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What is it?
Myths / facts / figures
Forms of domestic violence
Phases and dynamics of domestic violence
Effects of domestic violence
What can you do? / How can you help?
Legal measures
Children co-experiencing domestic violence
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Consequences for children co-experiencing violence
What can you do? / How can you help?
Further information
Further information
Killing of Women/Femicide
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Risk factors and the situation in Germany
What can you do? How can you help?
Public discourse on killings
Recognising high-risk cases of intimate partner violence and taking effective action
Further Information
Sexualised violence
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What is it?
Organised crime and wars
The perpetrators
Rape and sexual coercion
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What is it?
How does a woman experience the crime?
Myths / facts / figures
Reactions of the social environment
Medical examination
Legal steps
Sexual harassment at work
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What is it?
Myths / facts / figures
What can you do? How can you help?
Physical violence
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What is it?
Facts & Figures
Signs / characteristics
What can you do? / How can you help?
Psychological violence
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What is it?
Myths / facts / figures
Signs / characteristics
What can you do? / How can you help?
Structural violence
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What is it?
Signs / characteristics
What can you do? / How can you help?
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What is it?
What can you do?
Legal possibilities
Date rape drugs
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What are date rape drugs?
Myths / facts / figures
Indications of ingestion
What can you do? How can you help?
Digital violence
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What is it?
What can you do? How can you help?
Violence against women and girls with disabilities
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What is it?
Facts & Figures
Strains and risk factors
What can you do? / How can you help?
Additional information
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What is it?
Myths / facts / figures
Signs / characteristics
What can you do? / How can you help?
FAQ Frequently Asked Questions at the Intersection of Flight and Protection Against Violence
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Regulations relating to asylum and residence matters
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What rights and obligations do exist during the asylum procedure?
What are procedures according to the Dublin III Regulation?
What are the differences between temporary suspension of deportation, individual residence titles, and protection status?
What is particular about the situation of women (affected by violence) from so-called safe countries of origin?
What does it mean if an asylum application is rejected as “manifestly unfounded”?
What is the difference between the obligation to take up residence, residence restriction, and residence obligation?
What is the relationship between Foreigners Office and the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees, and what are their particular responsibilities?
Gender-specific violence as a reason for asylum and its role during the asylum procedure
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In what way can gender-specific violence be asserted as a reason for granting asylum or as a factor that necessitates the prohibition of deportation/the classification as a case of hardship?
Do directives for the protection against violence have any impact on the asylum procedure? If yes, which one?
What happens in the case of a divorce if the residential status depends on (marriage) partners?
Marriage and family law
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What is the situation during the asylum procedure regarding matters of family law (right to determine the place of residence, right of care and custody, visitation rights, right of maintenance in case of divorce)?
Will a marriage that has been concluded in another country be recognised in Germany?
What is the situation of married underage refugees in Germany?
What happens in the case of a divorce if the residential status depends on the (marriage) partner?
Medical support and social benefits
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Medical support for refugees
Medical support for persons without regular residence status
Psychotherapeutic services
Social rights of refugees
Funding of counselling and protection for refugee women
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Who will cover the costs for legal counselling and legal aid and in which cases?
Is it possible for female refugees to receive a counselling voucher during the asylum procedure or once the asylum application has been rejected?
How is the stay of female refugees in women’s shelters funded?
Which possibilities for funding interpreters do exist?
Protective measures for refugee women living in shelters
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Which difficulties may arise for women affected by violence when disregarding the residence obligation?
Is it possible for female refugees, in case they suffer violence, to take up their own residence earlier or to suspend the residence allocation?
How do reallocation requests work? Is it possible to speed up the reallocation procedure if the applicant is in danger? Is it possible to influence the decision on where to reallocate an affected woman?
Is it possible to prohibit perpetrators from returning to shared accommodations and own apartments despite residence obligation and restriction?
Do directives for the protection against violence have any impact on the asylum procedure? If so, which one?
Which concepts for the protection against gender-based violence do already exist in refugee shelters?
Is it possible to file complaints in accommodations?
Admission of female refugees to women’s shelters
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In how far do residence restriction or obligation have an impact on the admission to a women’s shelter or on moving to another shelter?
Which difficulties may arise for women affected by violence when disregarding the residence obligation?
How do reallocation requests work? Is it possible to speed up the reallocation procedure if the applicant is in danger? Is it possible to influence the decision on where to reallocate an affected woman?
Is it possible for female refugees to apply for name change as a protective measure?
What is the impact of the new penal code for sexual offences on residential regulations?
Church asylum
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What is church asylum?
How does church asylum work?
Changes since August 2018
Links and references
Under what conditions does having a child in Germany impact the residence permit of refugee parents?
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The father is a German citizen
The father has been lawfully residing in Germany for eight years and holds a settlement permit
The father holds a temporary residence permit
The father is a recognised refugee or entitled to subsidiary protection
The father is a citizen of an EU member state
The father’s asylum procedure is still pending
The father is granted suspension of deportation after his asylum application has been rejected
The father refuses to acknowledge paternity
The father is unknown
(New) ways to a regular residence status
The Istanbul Convention and its significance for the protection of refugee women
Help & Counselling
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Support for women and children from Ukraine
Rape crisis centres
Women’s counselling centres
Local support services
Campaigns & Projects
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bff: "make it work!"
bff: active against digital violence
Access For All!
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Counselling and support
The steps of the project
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“Stairs” video
10th anniversary of the German Act on Protection against Violence
Sex offence cases. Women in the justice gap
Empowering Ourselves. Violence Against Women must be Brought to Light
The campaign: “The right standpoint against violence“
The Dialogue campaign
International Collaboration
About us
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The Federal Association
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Objectives and tasks
Executive Board and Association Council
Articles of Association
Membership in the bff
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Information centre
FAQ Frequently Asked Questions at the Intersection of Flight and Protection Against Violence
Regulations relating to asylum and residence matters
What are the differences between temporary suspension of deportation, individual residence titles, and protection status?
What are the differences between temporary suspension of deportation, individual residence titles, and protection status?
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